Todd's SteakhouseThe Last of Us (Part 1)I n the middle of a dense snowstorm, a family restaurant sounds like warmth and comfort. However, entering the inviting steakhouse is at your own risk and a surprising life-changing experience. Beware the shards on the floor and what's that nasty smell?
Community CenterStardew ValleyW hat should be the center of Pelican Town's public life, could be better described as a run down ruin. But once the door to the abandoned villa opens, attentive visitors will quickly notice that there's more to the so-called "rat problem". But with patience and hard work, the dilapidated building becomes more magnificent than ever. Junimos included!
Ganon's CastleT he once gleaming castle, now turned into a dark fortress where the last stand awaits. But before the lord of darkness can be overthrown, his fort must be conquered. And to great surprise you won't only find traps and dangers around every corner, but friends and allies with encouraging words.
Sentinels' CaveE ven though the cave is flooded with light and covered with greenery, there are many dangers waiting. As a tried and tested explorer, you don't trust the large machines that are currently decorating the area without moving. But what is expected to be a danger turns out to be a friend and companion who opens up many a ...
Spirit TempleA fter an exhausting ghost hunt through the desert, we find ourselves before the face of the Goddess of the Sands. The impressive stone colossus not only houses the next dungeon, but leads to a journey between past and present.
City of TearsT he rainy capital shows little of its former glory. But baroque decor and splendid dressed residents indicate that prosperity once lived here. The many and sometimes extravagant rooms are spread over several floors and can be traveled quickly by hitting the elevators. Fountain Square, the center of the city, shows a hinge of the tragedy that befell ...
Shadow TempleF inally! You have escaped the cold, dead hand from the well and took a deep breath of fresh air after filling your lungs with mold. But the hunt continues to the prison beyond the cemetery where true terror awaits. The eye of truth may offer more insight into the dangers ahead, but some things better stay unseen.
Toad's TurnpikeN No matter how good or bad you are as a kart driver: (Almost) everyone is equal on Toad's Turnpike but there's a catch! Non-player vehicles bring an additional element of surprise to the route. Especially since many power-ups work differently or not at all.
Water TempleT his quite unpopular dungeon is pure horror to everyone who isn't exactly fond of deep water. Adjusting water levels, lots of diving and even more haven't-I've-been-here-already situations make this place really hard to like. Even advanced adventurers (a.k.a. people who played the game way too much #notme👀) may struggle finding their way in comparison to every other dungeon.
Delfino PlazaA ccording to the phrase "Paradise Lost", a rather strange journey begins as soon as you set foot on the tropical Isle Delfino. What should be a relaxing vacation starts with the unpleasant mission not only to clean up the island, but also your name. [product id="2605"]
Fire TempleS urrounded by burning hot rocks lies a prison in the middle of Death Mountain. The way to the entrance of the temple is already a challenge. But new and old friends guide the way through the labyrinth past the steel hammer and finally to the door of the fire dragon.
BlackreachH idden inside a massive cave lies a world that resembles an underwater or intergalactic landscape. Deserted buildings indicate that something must have happened here, that still has to be uncovered. In the middle of the blue-clad landscape sits a golden orb, which –of course– is guarded by a winged lizard. Did we really expected otherwise?
Forest TempleB eyond Sacred Forest Meadow lies Forest Temple, whose interior resembles an abandoned museum. With the well-earned fairy bow the ghost hunt is on and rewarded with the entrance to the basement (which is never a good sign...). Even the boss area is unusual: the art gallery like room does not seem very threatening but the identical pictures are ...
Lakeview HotelA fter an odyssey through an underground prison, a stay at the lake hotel actually sounds quite nice. The environment appears "familiar" foggy and the entrance to the cozy resort is quickly made. The end of a journey to "our special place" quickly turns out to be a trip into the past and shows the sad end of a ...
SolaireB eing a character, Solaire of Astora doesn't actually count as a place. But meeting the wandering knight in the most unpleasant places is always an instant mood changer in the most positive way. Of all diverse and often dubious characters, Solaire appears to be one of the more trustworthy. He maybe let it a bit slip after one (or ...
Fountainhead PalaceT he area around Fountainhead Palace has much to offer and to discover: Beautiful music as well as a relaxed and peaceful atmosphere. But quickly it becomes clear that something must have happened, as most of the temple complex is underwater. But danger lurks not only deep down, but also above.
Kokiri ForestA woken by a nightmare and greeted by a fairy, the journey begins in a forest village inhabited by children only. Time is short and after having taken possession of a sword and shield, the journey continues to meet the guardian of the forest - a gigantic, talking tree. Inside awaits the first dungeon. [product id="2470"][product id="2439"]
The LighthouseT he lighthouse is the only refuge after an obscure plane crash. But what seems to be the end of a trip, turns out to be the beginning of a miraculous and predestined journey. Although the lighthouse's decor is rather simple, it gives a good taste of what's waiting in the deep. The only way further down is a ...
#046 Zora's DomainD iscovering new locations has always been one of my favorite parts of gaming. When anticipating to discover new landscapes and traveling to Zora's Domain to find another useful item, unfortunately, it was more than underwhelming and ended up quite unpleasant. What else could be worse than walking inside a giant fish filled with electric jellyfish to obtain ...
North WindowO nce being a peaceful castle, North Window later turns into a ghost town after a certain vampire overlord overruns it. Mindful gamers will know that the bloodsucking fiend can only be defeated by a similar self-absorbed and talkative sword. After an intense scene and an epic fight, the place later turns into the heroes' headquarters. And even though ...
Death MountainJ ust learned that a great evil threatens the kingdom, one pushes forward to acquire the second of three holy stones. Death Mountain may seem to be a simple trail but it harbors many secrets – some to be the home of Gorons, a fiery cave, and an unruly volcano. [product id="2470"][product id="2465"]
Snowpeak RuinsD isguised as a mansion on a snow-covered mountain, the Snowpeak Ruin don't feel like a dungeon at all. And running through the living room of a Yeti couple while helping the hosts to prepare dinner, adds to the homey feeling.
Building Q / Nevada TestsideI n a game that is pretty good at blowing one's mind over and over again – everything is possible. Just like a giant replica of the Titanic in the Nevada desert...
Painted World of AriamisE ntered in a very unusual way, the snowy and calm place feels totally detached from the whole game. When digging deeper into its sad story the place feels utterly quiet.
Honeybee InnFinal Fantasy VIIT he Honeybee Inn in Midgar's slums is a very curious place that hides many secrets behind its neon light walls. When exploring the insides as a child, the appearance of the many muscular men leaves no doubt: This must be a place for wrestling! Available Products [product id="1613"]